There are a few basic business principles we try to live by:
We strive to know your business better than you do... The only way we can do effective work for you is by continually learning your business. Monitoring change - both positive and negative - as it happens, so that we may be able to recommend appropriate internal and external communications. And to this regard we look to become increasingly involved in your organization - by being included in the routing of appropriate internal communications, attending sales and operations meetings, etc. In general, we want to do what we can to maintain and upgrade our position as an invaluable business partner.
...but we know we never will. Yet however close we get, we can never be closer to your business than you are. So if what you want doesn’t seem to match what we think you need, we’ll let you know, and offer alternatives. But when push comes to shove, you’ll always know your business better than we ever can. And we’ll always defer to your best judgement as it relates to your business. We encourage you to defer to ours, too.
Creativity goes beyond the printed page. To be truly effective, promotions must be creative in ways beyond the artistic elements. Each facet of our business must develop new, breakthrough opportunities for you. That’s why we also try to be creative in media, production, account services, direct marketing, and event development. The only place we try to limit our creativity is in accounting.
No Chinese menus. When we prepare a strategy for your program, it’s after spending time developing a focused basic selling proposition. Who is being targeted. What needs to be said. Where will it appear. So when it comes to how it will sound and how it will look, we’re all speaking the same languages. And that leads to what we believe are the best vehicles for your promotions. So you’ll never have to pick one message from column A, and one from column B. You’ll only decide between executions of a message we’ve agreed upon in advance, be it in programmed advertising, structured collateral materials, carefully arranged interviews, or crafted news releases.
Baker’s dozens are a good thing. The story goes that in old England it was a grave offense to short-change a customer, even if unintentionally. So when someone wanted a dozen rolls, or cakes, or donuts, or whatever, you gave them 13, a “baker’s dozen,” just to be sure. In New Orleans they call it “lagniappe” - something for nothing. We just call it good business, which is why we’ll always try to offer up a little extra.
We strive to know your business better than you do... The only way we can do effective work for you is by continually learning your business. Monitoring change - both positive and negative - as it happens, so that we may be able to recommend appropriate internal and external communications. And to this regard we look to become increasingly involved in your organization - by being included in the routing of appropriate internal communications, attending sales and operations meetings, etc. In general, we want to do what we can to maintain and upgrade our position as an invaluable business partner.
...but we know we never will. Yet however close we get, we can never be closer to your business than you are. So if what you want doesn’t seem to match what we think you need, we’ll let you know, and offer alternatives. But when push comes to shove, you’ll always know your business better than we ever can. And we’ll always defer to your best judgement as it relates to your business. We encourage you to defer to ours, too.
Creativity goes beyond the printed page. To be truly effective, promotions must be creative in ways beyond the artistic elements. Each facet of our business must develop new, breakthrough opportunities for you. That’s why we also try to be creative in media, production, account services, direct marketing, and event development. The only place we try to limit our creativity is in accounting.
No Chinese menus. When we prepare a strategy for your program, it’s after spending time developing a focused basic selling proposition. Who is being targeted. What needs to be said. Where will it appear. So when it comes to how it will sound and how it will look, we’re all speaking the same languages. And that leads to what we believe are the best vehicles for your promotions. So you’ll never have to pick one message from column A, and one from column B. You’ll only decide between executions of a message we’ve agreed upon in advance, be it in programmed advertising, structured collateral materials, carefully arranged interviews, or crafted news releases.
Baker’s dozens are a good thing. The story goes that in old England it was a grave offense to short-change a customer, even if unintentionally. So when someone wanted a dozen rolls, or cakes, or donuts, or whatever, you gave them 13, a “baker’s dozen,” just to be sure. In New Orleans they call it “lagniappe” - something for nothing. We just call it good business, which is why we’ll always try to offer up a little extra.